
Medieval Irish Moy Gown Pattern Review

Medieval Irish Moy Gown Pattern
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Just for some background, I am an experienced seamstress--I used to make a living making wedding gowns, so I generally know what I'm doing.
While I'm impressed that someone was ambitious enough to make a pattern for the Moy gown, I feel obligated to let anyone who might buy it know that you need a solid background in sewing to get through this one. Gussets and gores are a pain in the butt in any pattern, but I find that in this one, they just aren't worked in a logical way. The instructions are sparse, and if you don't know that while setting a gusset you need to leave the seam allowances open, you're going to be in trouble, because nowhere does it actually tell you that--you just have to know already. It also has you adding a sleeve gore AFTER setting the sleeve into the dress, which is about twice as difficult and half as smart as it could be.
I'm not finished with the dress--my need to write this review overrode my need to keep working on it at the moment--and I'm hoping that the end result is worth all the re-writing I'm having to do with the instructions. I'd say the jury's still out on this one.

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RC313 - Medieval Irish Moy Gown Pattern. Fits busts 30½"-48" and waists 23"-41". All Sizes in one envelope. This pattern is complete with instructions and historical notes for the surviving Irish medieval woman's dress known as The Moy Gown. Fits busts 30½"-48" and waists 23"-41". All Sizes in one envelope. Historical notes and embellishment suggestions included. Suggested Fabrics: light weight to coat weight woolYardage Requirements:Gown: 6 yds 45" or 4½ yds 60" wid. Great for Renaissance, Medieval, or Camelot impression. Also a comfortable modern gown.

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